Never told a story on a Moth stage? This SLAM is for you! First-timers who have never told a story on any Moth stage will be prioritized tonight. Long-time listeners, first-time tellers!
The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition in which anyone can share a true, personal, 5-minute story on the night’s theme. Sign up for a chance to tell a story or sit back and enjoy the show! Tonight’s theme is:
Temptation: Prepare a five-minute story about willpower. Tell us of your iron or paper thin resolve. Battles with fidelity, smoking, loving, shopping or all of the above. Resisting the urge to check Instagram, read your lover’s diary or sleep in. Self control and other epic internal struggles. Caving to impulses or holding strong, the itch you just can’t help but scratch!
2424 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 525-2501